What Are the Different Commercial Vehicle Geolocation Solutions Available?
What Are the Different Commercial Vehicle Geolocation Solutions Available?

What Are the Different Commercial Vehicle Geolocation Solutions Available?

Geolocation is nowadays an indispensable technology for the management of commercial vehicle fleets. It allows companies to track the position of their vehicles in real time and to collect valuable data to optimise their business. However, there are different geolocation solutions for companies that want to track their commercial vehicle fleet. These solutions will be presented in the next few lines of this review. You are invited to read this article to find out about the different commercial vehicle geolocation solutions available.

Integrated GPS

This first geolocation solution for commercial vehicles consists of integrating a GPS into the vehicle itself. It allows real van tracking during their movements. In addition to being very precise, this type of system allows companies to track the exact position of their vehicles in real time. The data collected can be used to optimise journeys, reduce journey times and improve road safety. In addition, the integrated GPS helps control fuel consumption and reduce operating costs.

GPS Tracker

The GPS tracker is another geolocation solution that consists of installing a small GPS box in the vehicle. This box sends regular information on the vehicle’s position to a remote server. The company can consult the data collected remotely, i.e. it can monitor the position of its vehicles in real time. GPS trackers are also very useful for companies with fleets of commercial vehicles spread over large areas.

GPS Beacons

GPS beacons are a geolocation solution designed for commercial vehicles that carry out delivery missions. In fact, they are attached to each parcel and make it possible to track the position of the latter in real time. As a result, they offer companies the possibility of tracking their parcels from their warehouse to the delivery location. These beacons are particularly useful for companies that deliver high-value packages or perishable goods as they make it easier to monitor them.

Satellite Tracking Systems

Strictly reserved for commercial vehicles that use satellites, satellite tracking systems allow the position of these vehicles to be monitored. This type of highly accurate system is generally used to track the position of vehicles in remote areas where there is no network coverage. The data collected by these systems can be used to optimise journeys, reduce journey times and improve road safety.

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications are a geolocation solution that companies can adopt to track the position of their vehicles in real time. In fact, these applications use the GPS built into the smartphones of commercial vehicle drivers. It is therefore possible for companies to know the exact location of their vehicles through the use of a dedicated mobile application. In addition, mobile applications can be useful for companies with small commercial vehicle fleets.

In summary, geolocation of commercial vehicles is an essential technology for companies that want to optimise their fleet management and improve productivity. The solutions discussed above actually allow for better route planning, monitoring of fuel consumption, improved road safety. They allow companies to ensure fast and reliable delivery to their customers and to remain competitive in the market.